Maintaining Your Identity Through Life's Changes with God by Your Side

By Eileen Noyes

Jul 24, 2024

Welcome to The Unsidelined Life, where we dive deep into the world of professional sports and the incredible women behind the scenes. In this first episode, I had the privilege of sitting down with June McKenzie, a woman whose journey spans nearly four decades in the NFL. Her journey is one of resilience, faith, and unwavering commitment to personal growth.


Her insights are not just valuable for those in the sports world, but for anyone facing change and challenges. Today, we'll explore how June has maintained her sense of self and her faith throughout her life, offering inspiration and practical advice for women in all walks of life.

Building a Strong Foundation in Marriage

In any relationship having a strong foundation is essential. For June and her husband, they met and chose to prioritize their relationship and getting to know each other better without getting physical.


One of the key aspects of their strong foundation was their shared faith. Both June and her husband were Christian when they met, although they were at different points in their conversions. This common ground provided a framework for their relationship and helped them navigate the challenges they would face in the future. Their faith became a cornerstone of their marriage, guiding their decisions and helping them maintain their values in a sometimes challenging environment.


Another crucial element of their foundation was open and honest communication. June shared how her husband would tell her about the temptations and challenges he faced on away games, creating a safe space for vulnerability and trust. This level of openness allowed them to address potential issues head-on and strengthened their bond. By prioritizing their relationship and their faith above the glitz and glamor of the NFL, they were able to build a lasting partnership that has stood the test of time.

Maintaining Your Identity in a High-Profile World

One of the biggest challenges for anyone in a high-profile relationship is maintaining their own identity. For June, this meant balancing her roles as a wife and mother with her own aspirations and career goals. From the beginning, June was determined to pursue her own path, even as she supported her husband's NFL career.


June's journey included becoming a lawyer and opening her own practice, making her the first African American private practice lawyer in Green Bay. This was not just a personal achievement but also a way for June to maintain her sense of self outside of her husband's career. She embodies the importance of having something of your own, whether it's a career, a hobby, or a passion project, to keep you grounded and fulfilled.


The pressure to conform to a certain image or lifestyle in the NFL world can be intense. June’s experiences reinforced her determination to stay true to herself and her values. By maintaining her own identity and pursuits, June was able to navigate the NFL world without losing sight of who she was as an individual.

The Power of Faith in Navigating Life's Challenges

June's faith has been a constant source of strength and guidance. She emphasized the importance of having a personal relationship with God and relying on Him during difficult times. This faith-based approach has helped her navigate the ups and downs of life.


June shared several stories of how she learned to see difficulties as opportunities for growth and transformation, trusting that God could use even the most difficult experiences for good. Choosing to trust him completely has brought her peace and support in trying times.


June also emphasizes the importance of community. Trying to go through life alone is not only difficult but goes against God's design for us. June found strength and support through Bible study groups, church communities, and relationships with other NFL wives who shared her faith. These connections provided a safe space for vulnerability, growth, and encouragement, reinforcing the idea that we are not meant to face life's challenges in isolation.

Raising a Family with Purpose and Intention

As parents, June and her husband were intentional about instilling their values and faith in their children. They recognized the unique challenges of raising a family in the NFL spotlight and made conscious efforts to create a stable, grounded environment for their kids. June shared several strategies they used to accomplish this:


  • Prioritizing education
  • Giving their kids names with meaning and purpose
  • Creating family traditions
  • Open communication with each other
  • Being models of faith


June thinks of raising her kids like "training up a child in the way they should go," recognizing that while children may stray at times, the foundation laid in childhood often draws them back to their faith and values as adults. 


As a family, they recognized the importance of allowing their children to develop their own relationships with God. Rather than forcing their faith on their kids, they created an environment where faith was a natural part of daily life, allowing their children to ask questions and explore their beliefs in a supportive setting. As a result, their children have developed strong, personal faith foundations as they've grown into adulthood.

Embracing Change and Trusting God's Plan

Throughout their experiences in the NFL, June and her husband faced numerous transitions and changes. From moving between teams to shifting roles within the organization, each new phase brought its own set of challenges and opportunities. June's approach to these changes was rooted in her faith and her belief that God has a purpose for each season of our lives.


Choosing to work together through their challenges has helped them grow closer together, and grow individually. They have seen God’s hand in their lives as they have chosen to follow His guidance. Instead of being intimidated by upcoming challenges, they saw it as an opportunity to make a positive impact and live out their values in a more impactful way.


June chooses to hold everything with "open hands," a concept she learned from a Christian author. This approach means recognizing that everything we have is a gift from God, and we should be willing to let go when He calls us to do so. By maintaining this perspective, June has been able to navigate changes with grace and trust, knowing that God's plan was ultimately for their good and His glory.

Facing Your Spiritual Journey With “Open Hands”

June McKenzie's inspiring journey through the NFL world reminds us of the power of maintaining our identity and faith amidst life's changes. Her story helps us to consider our own spiritual pathways and how we're navigating the challenges and opportunities in our lives.


Our journey of faith is ongoing. Each day presents new opportunities to trust God, grow in our faith, and make a positive impact on those around us. As you move forward, consider how you can live life with God in mind as you fully embrace your identity as a daughter of God and make the most of every season He brings your way.



Thanks for joining us for the first episode of The Unsidelined Life. Embrace your inner potential as you turn to God and continue to develop who you are. For current episodes go to The Unsidelined for more!
