Reclaiming Your Worth: My Path to Unshakeable Identity

By Eileen Noyes

Jul 24, 2024

Hello, I'm Eileen Noyes, and I'm thrilled to welcome you to The Unsidelined Life. As a mother of eight, author, coach, and mentor, I've worn many hats in my life, but storyteller is the one that fits me best. I've always had a passion for writing and sharing experiences that can touch and transform lives. Today, I want to share a deeply personal story with you - one that challenged my faith, shook my identity to its core, and ultimately led me to a stronger, more authentic sense of self.


My path to reclaiming my identity and worth wasn't easy, but it's a story I believe can inspire and encourage others facing similar struggles. Let's start at the beginning, with the passion that has always been a constant in my life: writing.

My Roots as a Writer

Writing has been my constant companion throughout life. From my early days of journaling to becoming a published author, I've always found solace and expression through words. It's more than just a hobby; it's a gift I've been blessed with, one that I now use to positively impact others.


Recognizing this talent was a crucial step in my journey of self-discovery. I learned that acknowledging my gifts wasn't about pride but rather understanding my identity and purpose. This realization gave me the confidence to pursue my calling as a writer and speaker, even when faced with challenges in areas like promotion and marketing.


This podcast is a natural extension of my desire to connect with you. It allows me to share stories and insights that complement my written work, reaching you in a more personal, immediate way.

My Turning Point in Faith and Identity

My world turned upside down when my then-husband introduced to me a controversial religious teaching that questioned whether women were created in God's image. What started as a seemingly innocent theological discussion quickly spiraled into a crisis of identity and worth for me.


This teaching had far-reaching implications, affecting everything from my perceived value in my marriage to my spiritual standing. I found myself questioning my role as a wife, mother, and even my very essence as a human being. The impact was profound, leading to feelings of inadequacy and despair I'd never experienced before.


As the situation deteriorated, I faced mounting criticism and accusations of being rebellious and unsubmissive. The once beautiful concept of biblical submission became twisted into a tool of control and manipulation. I found myself at a crossroads, torn between my faith and my innate sense of self-worth.


Refusing to accept this new narrative about my identity, I embarked on an intensive process of spiritual and personal reassessment. I call this period my "soldier mode" - recognizing that the battle I faced wasn't against flesh and blood but against destructive ideologies.


For two to three years, I devoted myself to prayer and the study of scripture. I sought to understand God's true perspective on my worth and identity, separate from the distorted teachings I had encountered. This process required tremendous courage and perseverance as I fought to reclaim my sense of self.


During this time, I learned to anchor myself in God's love and acceptance rather than in the opinions of others or my own performance. I came to understand that my value as a person was inherent and unchangeable, regardless of external circumstances or others' judgments.

Divine Affirmations of Worth

As I struggled to rebuild my identity, I experienced several powerful moments of divine affirmation. These encounters served to reinforce my true worth and calling, providing much-needed encouragement during a difficult time.


One such moment occurred during a meeting with Kathleen, the wife of my ex-husband's coworker. Despite barely knowing me, Kathleen felt compelled to meet with me and ended up sharing a powerful message of God's love and pride in me. This encounter culminated in Kathleen showing me an image of a woman in armor, which resonated deeply with my emerging sense of identity.


Shortly after this encounter, I met with a counselor who, without prior knowledge of my situation, shared that God had given her the word "valor" to describe me. This striking confirmation, coupled with the earlier encounter, served as a powerful testament to my true identity as a woman of strength and courage.

Steps to Reclaiming Your Worth

As I reflect on my experiences, I realize that reclaiming one's worth is both challenging and rewarding. If you find yourself questioning your value or if you are struggling with limiting beliefs, I encourage you to consider these steps to begin your own process of self-discovery:


  1. Identify Limiting Beliefs: Take time to reflect on the messages you've internalized about your worth. Are they based on truth or distorted perceptions?


  1. Seek Truth: Dive into resources that affirm your inherent value. This could include spiritual texts, affirming literature, or conversations with trusted mentors.


  1. Practice Self-Compassion: Be gentle with yourself as you navigate this process. Healing and growth take time.


  1. Surround Yourself With Support: Seek out individuals who recognize and affirm your worth.


  1. Embrace Your Gifts: Acknowledge and cultivate your unique talents and abilities.


  1. Challenge Negative Self-Talk: When you catch yourself in patterns of self-doubt, consciously replace those thoughts with affirming truths.


  1. Take Action: Step into opportunities that align with your true identity, even if they feel uncomfortable at first.


Remember, reclaiming your worth is not a one-time event but an ongoing process. Be patient with yourself and celebrate each step forward, no matter how small it may seem.

Embracing Your True Worth: An Invitation to Self-Discovery

My story is just one among many, but I hope it serves as a reminder that others' opinions or religious dogma do not determine our worth. It's inherent and unchangeable. As you've read about my experience, I invite you to examine your own beliefs about self-worth and identity.


Take a moment to reflect on your own sense of worth. What messages have you internalized about your value? Are there areas where you need to reclaim your identity and embrace your true worth?


Remember, like me, you, too, are a person of valor, created with inherent dignity and worth. By recognizing and embracing this truth, you can begin to live an unsidelined life, fully stepping into your purpose and potential.


I'm here to support you on your path. Together, let's reclaim our worth and live lives that truly reflect our inherent value and strength.

